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It is not easy to bring down a company, especially if a business owner owns a brand. So the best and only way to destroy a company is to hurt it somehow. If you are a bystander, there is not much you can do. But if you are in the business, there are plenty of legal ways to ruin it. Let’s learn how to ruin a business legally.
It can take time. The most important step is to deprive employees of their comfort in the office, whether during a probationary period or getting over problems with a former supervisor.
How to Ruin a Business Legally
First, you have to bribe your way into a key management position. Once you are in this position, the next step is to cut costs by firing people. It is important to make sure that you do not perform any work during this phase. Once there are no employees left, replace all managers with friends or family members who do nothing but party on the job. Next, sell off any assets that remain on-site and liquidate any bank accounts with remaining funds.
At the end of this phase, investors will be dropping out like flies as they recoup their losses from selling company stock. When there is no more left investing in your company, it will be time to file for bankruptcy; all creditors involved file suit against your business and/or personal assets.
You will be left with nothing but a court order declaring that your business is no longer legally allowed to operate as a company. After all of the court proceedings move on to faze two, which is submitting fraudulent financial reports and tax returns that claim that the company has always been profitable and never had any issues. Continue doing so until eventually you declare bankruptcy and begin again under a new LLC or Corporation name.
At the end of this phase, you will be left with nothing but a piece of paper that says “Bankruptcy Filed” on it and several court orders declaring that you are once again forbidden to operate as a business.
Repeat this process until there is nothing left. Also, make sure to stay under the radar by not having any actual employees robbing your manager’s blind. If they’re smart, they’ll just quit before you have a chance to fire them all anyways.
How can a Legitimate Business go wrong?
Employee turnover
Employee turnover is a common problem. In the US, employee turnover averages 15% per year. And the cost of replacing a position is typically 15-30% or more of that position’s annual salary.
However, in different industries and with different levels of management and leadership, replacement costs can easily exceed 200% of the corresponding annual salary.
Turnover, per se, is not an enemy that can destroy a company. Instead, the enemy is the “talent gap.” A lack of talent leads to an increase in manager’s pressure, resulting in HR managers taking on far more responsibility, tasks, and pressures than are normally required or expected of them.
If this situation is not quickly corrected, it can quickly lead to inefficiency, frustration, and ultimately to burnout of managers at all levels down the chain.
In the worst cases (and these are frighteningly common), a wave of employee turnover can result in a domino effect, leading to major changes in the organizational structure – and not in a good way.
Just as rotation is an upward pressure, monitoring is downward pressure. It’s sad but true. Micro-managing a team, be it a team of frontline workers, managers, executives, or even senior managers, is always counterproductive.
Employees who are micromanaged feel that their work is meaningless. Their only job is to follow robots, favorites, or company policy. There are no business relationships, business ideas, and of course, there’s no business management.
When managers take control of the front line, there is usually a sense of fear and mistrust. However, when HR managers micromanage, they find themselves caught in the crossfire. They may feel a duty to protect their team, but they are powerless against their boss.
They are told how to do their job and feel powerless to achieve performance targets in the best possible way.
And then there are middle managers. When middle managers micromanage, bad things happen it’s usually sabotage or stagnation.
Both are ultimately destructive, even fatal, for the organization. Ultimately down to the executive level, the C-suite. If managers handle this micro-organization level, culture change can happen overnight when these leaders get fed up.
Or they may be forced to resign, even if they are sincerely trying to do good for the company, the board, and stakeholders. Again, micro-management is the opposite of business size.
The inner turmoil of gossip is like a gossip key thrown into a well-tuned machine. Gossip turns the workplace into a hostile environment and focuses on social dynamics instead of business excellence.
Gossip usually occurs for reasons unrelated to personality conflicts. Instead, it is often the result of disengaged employees, systems, and conditions that repeatedly encourage promotion, acceptance, and perpetuation of the wrong things, usually mediocrity.
The presence of gossip means employees have too much time to talk instead of work.
To remedy this, managers often resort to mediators and peacemakers, spending too much time and resources to achieve what would otherwise be a reasonable (and professional) adult effort to “play nice.”
This is often cyclical and hurts the company owner’s line, but it can destroy the company culture and cause ripples of damage that can lead to turnover and worse.
All of this highlights the systemic problems that exist and for which the solution is also systemic.
Hiring the wrong person
Hiring the wrong person does not necessarily mean that the new employee is a “bad employee.”
This is usually not the case. The “wrong person” could be “the wrong person at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and for the wrong team.” It leads to employee disengagement.
Recruiting is a big issue these days.
In recent years, private practice has made explicit that finding good people is the most difficult business problem. Recruiting the wrong person can mean that an excellent physician can be put into a questionable leadership role.
Or it may mean that a talented leader is sent down the path of a clinical expert when they should be preparing to lead. The worst-case scenario, of course, is that a seemingly excellent candidate is quickly recruited to “fill a vacancy.”
After a probationary period, the manager fires this person and turns out to be a nightmare for the company. Whether one of the aforementioned corporate killers or not, this person is simply a toxic mix for the company. Ironically, they were the stars of the company. All of this shows the importance of adaptation.
Inherited problems
Similar to “councils,” “dynasties,” or even “seasons” of leadership turnover, collapse, and change, companies often face legacy issues, either at the micro-level, within their divisions and groups, or worse, at the macro level – post-merger.
When a leader, consciously or unconsciously, inherits a problem, they usually create a short-term solution to fix the problem, which then disappears.
This is a sad fact for many organizations.
It means that the organization has no long-term solutions to its internal ailments and relies on “new blood” to be part of these new employees’ sacrifices companies do.”
This organizational behavior is typical of companies that are usually very vertical, where managers keep everything secret from management, everyone needs to know, and transparency is virtually non-existent.
The standards are clear.
Every two years, an average employee or executive resigns, and a new one takes over.
Top management sees this as an opportunity and then asks the new manager to fix a problem that has not been fully disclosed as a systemic problem.
Therefore, this new manager causes a “personnel problem because of a new policy. The experience has all been very negative at all levels of command, up and down. The solution is the complete opposite of these phenomena. That’s why managers are so important these days.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you call it when someone tries to destroy your business?
Sycophants are the people who only want to damage your business. They are the type of employee or customer you don’t want in your office.
How do you get a bad reputation?
Companies get a bad review mainly when they inappropriately treat their customers.
Sometimes people spread gossip or publish a negative review about a company and give it a bad image. Unfortunately, a bad business reputation can cause serious damage to a business, and it can take a long time to search and repair the damage.
How can social media disrupt business?
Social media has a significant impact on business growth, but it has its drawbacks. There are many examples that social media is a major cause of many businesses going under.
If a company inappropriately uses social media, they risk wasting a lot of money and ruining their reputation. So, they have to pay caution to this.
What can damage an organization’s reputation?
Deliberate misconduct by the company’s management: This involved lying about a product, and 80% of customers surveyed said this was “very or fairly damaging” to the company’s reputation, also, if a company shares unfair working conditions and culture, or discrimination in the workplace, or even through social accounts.
How can I get revenge for a bad deal?
- Dispute credit card charges.
- Create a website for complaints.
- Report your experience with business partners on a blog.
- Abuse CPC clicks.
- Better Business Bureau.
- Write a funny letter describing the company’s incompetence.
- Link to them.
How to ruin a restaurant’s reputation?
Restaurant reputation management is the process of managing customer feedback and creating systems to improve the customer experience. Dealing with negative social media accounts reviews can therefore damage your business.
Bottom line
Business is all about people – people who organize themselves together and work effectively as a team. There are end-users, management, executives, support staff, lawyers, contractors, departments, specialists, seasonal staff, and others in a team.
No one element is more important than another. They play different roles. Ultimately, it is the team and the company’s market dynamics that determine long-term success or failure. For example, having a bad attorney-client relationship, claiming false statements, or having an online gossip presence could worsen things.